Hip resurfacing
Hip resurfacing is an alternative to hip prosthesis. This procedure consists of joint replacement for young and active patients.
It is different from hip replacement in that this method maintains the femoral head, which is covered with a prosthetic steel sphere. It articulates with a steel cup that is firmly secured into the cotyla like a complete hip prosthesis. The friction couple (like the ceramic-ceramic couple) is “hard-hard,” and in this case metal-metal, which is longer-lasting.
This procedure allows patients to keep the femoral neck and the majority of the femoral head, with a large head diameter so as to improve stability and decrease dislocation risk. In case of an overhaul, it is easier to switch to a standard prosthesis.
However, hip resurfacing is not devoid of any complications. Besides the previously mentioned complications associated with hip replacement surgery, the metal/metal friction couple releases tiny amounts of metallic ions into the body, which is inappropriate for female patients who are wish to get pregnant.
There is also a risk of femoral neck fracture. The femoral neck can be weakened by the drilling conducted to set the prosthetic femoral head, making this procedure inappropriate for patients over 55 who may suffer from osteoporosis.
During surgery, the cotyla can be lacking in primary stability. Should this be the case, we must use cotylae with screws, which do not fit with resurfacing cups, and therefore total hip replacement must be performed.
This surgery cannot be carried out via minimally invasive techniques. However, it can be used as a browsing system to improve femoral head positioning.